1. Deep Pressure Activities: Deep pressure activities, such as using weighted blankets or compression vests, can provide calming sensory input and promote relaxation.
2. Fidget Toys: Fidget toys, stress balls, or tactile objects can help individuals focus and self-regulate by providing a sensory outlet for restless or anxious feelings.
3. Sensory Bins: Creating sensory bins with various materials like sand, rice, or beans can offer tactile stimulation and a calming effect.
4. Breathing Exercises: Teaching deep breathing exercises can help individuals manage anxiety and stress by activating the body’s relaxation response.
5. Yoga and Mindfulness: Practicing yoga and mindfulness techniques can promote body awareness, emotional grounding, and self-regulation.
6. Aromatherapy: Certain scents, like lavender or chamomile, can have a soothing effect on emotions and sensory responses.
7. Sensory Diet: Working with an occupational therapist to create a personalised sensory diet can provide a structured plan for incorporating sensory activities throughout the day.
8. Noise-Cancelling Headphones: For individuals sensitive to noise, noise-cancelling headphones can reduce auditory stimulation and help maintain focus.
9. Visual Supports: Visual schedules, timers, or calming visual aids can assist in organising daily routines and reducing anxiety.
10. Calming Music: Playing soft, calming music can help create a soothing environment and promote emotional regulation.
11. Outdoor Activities: Spending time in nature can offer a variety of sensory experiences and have a positive impact on emotional well-being.
12. Gross Motor Play: Engaging in gross motor activities, like jumping on a trampoline or swinging, can provide proprioceptive input and improve regulation.